Be Understood! – A Pronunciation Resource for Every Classroom (Book with CD-ROM and Audio CD Pack) de Christina Maurer Smolder


Be Understood! - A Pronunciation Resource for Every Classroom (Book with CD-ROM and Audio CD Pack) de Christina Maurer Smolder

A photocopiable resource of pronunciation materials accompanied by Audio and a CD-ROM. This bank of pronunciation material provides fun, motivating practice in sounds, syllables and words, and phrases and sentences. Informed by English Profile, it is suitable for a range of levels from Elementary to Upper-intermediate, with a focus on intelligibility rather than mastery of a model accent.

Each of the 34 units consists of step-by-step teaching notes and photocopiable classroom material, providing teachers with instant lessons. Teachers can also use the Audio CD to expose students to unscripted audio material with a range of different accents, and the CD-ROM’s bank of customisable material can be used to create perfect lessons.  
Anul aparitiei: 2014
Numar pagini: 112
Format: 21×29
Autor: Christina Maurer Smolder
Anul publicării: 2014
Categoria: Literatura

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